Do You Feel too Busy to Eat Healthy? Add Green, it is Simple!
Health/Fitness, WomanCrystal Breauxapples and pears, Busy, diet, Eat, Going Green, green apples, green beans, green grapes, green peppers, habit, house, lasagna, Run, salad, spinach salad, step at a time, time, Woman, ziploc, zucchini
Gone Fishin'
Inside / OutKalaamp, band, bed, better time, cardiologist, chef, Contact, diet, exercise, faces, farmers, father, father in heaven, father to the fatherless, fatherless, firm, first thoughts, fiscal year, fishers of men, Fishin, fishing, gone fishin', gone fishing, heartbroken, high time, jeans, Jesus, little jesus, love, net, new years resolution, night, office, Organic, planter, policy, pond, promises, Resolution, respect, respectful, sea of galilee, See, seed, seed planter, shine, solicitation, solicitation policy, Start, stuff, surface, surface roll, sweets, time, transparency, transparent, vegetables, witnessing, workplace, year
No More New Year’s Resolutions
Food, Health/Fitness, WomanCrystal Breauxcareer mom, certified personal training, consistent exercise, dance class, diet, exercise, exercise program, fitness, fitness plan, fitness program, fitness programs, health and fitness, instructor, loss, reason, Resolutions, shadow of a doubt, training, weight, year
Simple Accomplishments
Food, Health/FitnessCrystal Breaux21 grams, Accomplishments, amount, bagel, breakfast, calories, cokes, diet, diet drink, diet soda, family photos, fiber, fountain drink, half, kid, month of the year, nutritional value, peanut butter, salad, Simplicity, Switch, tbs, way, weight
Motivation to Change
Health/FitnessCrystal Breauxanything, appearance, behavior, calor, calories, Change, comfort, comfort zone, consistency, course, diet, eating healthy food, exercise, exercises, fitness, God, health, health fitness, instructor, life, motivation, new opportunities, ONLY, quality of life, reason, risk, smile, spiritual, spiritual growth, time, treadmill, use, workouts