Simple Accomplishments
Food, Health/FitnessCrystal Breaux21 grams, Accomplishments, amount, bagel, breakfast, calories, cokes, diet, diet drink, diet soda, family photos, fiber, fountain drink, half, kid, month of the year, nutritional value, peanut butter, salad, Simplicity, Switch, tbs, way, weight
Time to Eat!
Food, Health/FitnessCrystal BreauxBody, breakfast, caloric intake, calories, clich, cliché, early afternoon, Eat, fiber, food decisions, hurry, meal plan, metabolism, online, remainder, snacks, time, weight, wood
Motivation to Change
Health/FitnessCrystal Breauxanything, appearance, behavior, calor, calories, Change, comfort, comfort zone, consistency, course, diet, eating healthy food, exercise, exercises, fitness, God, health, health fitness, instructor, life, motivation, new opportunities, ONLY, quality of life, reason, risk, smile, spiritual, spiritual growth, time, treadmill, use, workouts