A Spring Workout
Health/FitnessCrystal Breauxa spring workout, back press, chest press, exercise band, lunge, outside, Run, shoudler raise, squat, walk
A Tug-a-War...Exercise vs. Mom
Health/Fitness, WomanCrystal Breauxbirth, calorie burning, daughter, doctor, exploring the world, family time, finding time, health and fitness, kind, middle, minute strength, mom, pair, Run, small kids, stage, stage of life, time, toddler age, tug a war
Do You Feel too Busy to Eat Healthy? Add Green, it is Simple!
Health/Fitness, WomanCrystal Breauxapples and pears, Busy, diet, Eat, Going Green, green apples, green beans, green grapes, green peppers, habit, house, lasagna, Run, salad, spinach salad, step at a time, time, Woman, ziploc, zucchini
A Date for the Busy Couple
Health/Fitness, WomanCrystal Breauxbaby sitters, babysitter, babysitters, best friends, bike, busy couple, candle, candle light dinner, date night, exercise, fitness, fitness plan, friend exchange, good intentions, husband, key word, key words, life, party, personalized fitness, quality time, Run, scooter, time, Today, Women
Austin Jailbreak 5K - New Paths
Health/Fitness, WomanJessicaaka, alarm clock, bales of hay, blockade, cars, climb, crawl, donut, drainage pipes, gauntlet, jailbreak, link, muddy, o clock, obstacles, rock, rock climb, Run, running gear, sand water, time, total, trail running, water, worn paths