A Spring Workout
Spring is right around the corner. If there is a way I can get in some fresh air and exercise outside before it gets too hot, I can get pretty creative. Not only that, but who wants to go to the gym once the time changes and it is day light longer, not to mention all of the extra activities that start when spring comes. When the weather is pretty and I’m short on time, I like to head out to my street and get in a little cardio and strength training for a quick spring work out that takes 30 minutes.
All you need is a good pair of tennis shoes, an exercise band with a place to support it, and a light set of weights, 3-5 lbs. Here is an example with one of my favorite clients, Shelly.
WORKOUT Start off with light jog or fast walk for 5 minutes to warm up.
Complete the following workout 2-3x depending on your fitness level
- 15 walking lunges down driveway
If you are new to lunges, forget the walking lunges and stay in a stable position and lunge up and down to complete 15 on each side.
**keep toes forward and knee over your hill at all times to avoid injury to your knee
- 15 Chest presses with exercise band
With band wrapped around a stable object, face opposite direction, place handles under your arms on each side and press out chest level
**keep elbows soft at all times and avoid locking them out
- 15 Back presses with exercise band
Now turn around and walk back, extend arms on each side and pull back squeezing your elbows back together
- 15 squats
- Run or walk 3-5 minutes
- 15 bicep curls with band
While standing, place band under feet that are shoulder width apart and curl handles up to shoulders
- 12 shoulder raise with weights
With weights to your side and palms down, lift them up together shoulder level
**keep a slight bend in elbow and do not raise weights about shoulders.
- Repeat 15 walking lunges down driveway
- Run or Walk 3-5 minutes
Consult with your doctor before beginning any new program. Remember this is what works for me. Modify exercises according to your location. Be creative and you can have your own quick spring workout.
For more customized workouts for your needs and personal schedule, contact me at Crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to learn how you can get started.