Living abandoned is hard!
Outreach, WomanHeatherAbanddoned, Created Woman, deep, Discern, Dr- James Dobson, faith, Fashion, foundation, lamentations, Lamentations 3:23, lead, Mercy's are new, No, strengths, The reason I was born, To do lists
Just the Facts Ma'am
Inside / OutCobybearing fruit, chance, choices, deal, decision, direction, drama, emotions, Facts, idea, lead, leaves, life, math problems, math work, nbsp, new living translation, psalm 1, riverbank, salon, scenarios, time, way, wisdom, zeroes, zeros
Editor's Note, October 2011
WomanHeatherBlogazine, breast cancer, breast cancer awareness, breast cancer awareness month, cancer awareness month, cause, cause of breast cancer, Created Woman, cure, Editor, Editors, Fashion, Fashion targets breast cancer, heroines, joy, lead, life, life experiences, mold, month of the year, October, routine, smell, stand up to cancer, susan g komen, Today, type of cancer, voice, women around the world