Vision: Do you have a business plan for your life?

I spoke to a my friend Susan this week about having a vision for your life, your husband and your kids. It was so interesting to me what she said and really got me thinking. She said, “people have business plans but they don’t have family plans.” Wow, what a simple yet profound thought! I have to tell you I was really convicted as I often think about the vision for my business and where I see it in 3-5 years, but I rarely think about that for my family.

You might be thinking just like I do, ‘I want my family and kids to be successful, well-liked, obedient and more than anything love the Lord.’ That’s all great, but how are you going to get there? Can you imagine saying that about your business but not preparing a road map for you or your employees that guide you how to get there? Setting goals, dates and then celebrating those milestones.

Lately, I thought a lot about the scripture in Proverbs:

Where there is no vision, the people perish
Proverbs 29:18

My husband and I have discussed this at length often in the last few months when we talk about how we want to intentionally have a plan for our lives. Way to often, we notice people who are living day-to-day without a purpose, without a plan. That kind of lifestyle leads to stress, burnout and unhappiness. I think too often when we hear the verse in Proverbs we think the word ‘perish’ means to die literally. But I believe it perish can mean die to your purpose.

Definition of perish: Suffer complete ruin or destruction. Disappear, vanish, fade, and dissolve. 

When we have no vision for our life, we begin to disappear, vanish. We no longer recognize ourselves in the mirror as stress and burnout has replace vision and purpose. We begin to perish while we are still living. 

So today, I ask you. Do you have a vision for your life? Have you written it down? If so, share it with others today and tell us below one thing you are intentional about in your life or your family. If not, sit down a bit today and write down where you might want to be next week, next year, or even in five years. God has a plan for you. A vision. A purpose.

Write it down! 

Habakkuk 2:2-3

And then God answered: “Write this.

    Write what you see.

Write it out in big block letters

    so that it can be read on the run.

This vision-message is a witness

    pointing to what’s coming.

It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!

    And it doesn’t lie.

If it seems slow in coming, wait.

    It’s on its way. It will come right on time.

Featured picture: My sister Crystal and her family’s fire pit in backyard with their vision statement: Love, laugh and live like Jesus.

If you want help in writing a vision for your family and kids, Susan can help! Take a peak at what she does here and have a powerful family life!

[title subtitle="She Designed Her Dream & Launched A Legacy"][/title]

I heard it once said that the saddest thing in life is not knowing your purpose, God’s purpose. In essence, who you are created to be. Without that, what is the meaning of life?

As a practical and educational tool, the CW Family is creating the first ever Created Woman workbook that will offer teaching lessons based on biblical principles, personal stories, reflective questions and interactive activities in each chapter that can be done in group studies, created woman workshops called Design Labs or individually.

To find out how you can be a part of She Designed Her Dream & Launched A Legacy Campaign Click HERE. Together, we will be able to reach women around the world with the new Created Woman workbook transforming dreamers into legacy builders.

CW Dream Campaign Postcard