Not Bigger, but Better Not Successful, but Effective

Journal entry #10

(Previously Published. Updates on what's happened since this post at bottom of page)

“I just want someone to tell me what to do! I don’t know where to go and what to do it’s too much! I see the vision but I’m wildly spinning on wheels. I’m tired and exhausted! Just tell me!

I need someone to take my hand, that’s all! This thing, this vision, has so many legs and I’m trying to do it all by myself and nothing is getting accomplished. Maybe this will work. Maybe that. Ugh! Somebody…take my hand! Please, I’m desperate!”

Living abandoned, obeying my purpose and trying to live it out doesn’t mean all the answers will just be there. There are steps we have to take and to be honest there was a moment I had no idea what my next one would be or should be. Even though I’ve received ample amount of help and support through the CW Family and our coach, I could tell there was still that one thing missing. I could feel it! I just knew there was something else….

So I kept asking and praying and asking and praying.

While standing in the kitchen one evening, I was expressing to my husband Hoit how I just want someone to tell me what to do, and I’ll do it!

You see, I don’t want to just do or be a consumer. I want my daily tasks, vision, and heart to be effective to the generation I have been called to. Not great, not bigger, but better.

So what is it, Lord? How can we be more effective? Who is that person, that idea, that thing that will tell me, “Now, this is the next step.” Over and over I kept repeating the scripture in Isaiah 30:21,

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Then one day on a beautiful afternoon a few weeks ago, I sat at my desk looking out my window with my earphones on as I listened to a webinar for non-profits. My husband, who also works from home, played with the kids during the hour meeting so I could fully concentrate without distraction. During that call I received confirmation that we, the Created Woman Foundation are different; something I had been feeling for a while and even wrote about it in my journal entry #9. We are not just a non-profit, we are a ministry and we need additional tools. I totally believe it was a God moment, a God thought that came into my head that went something like this:

“If there is an organization like this for non-profits and organizations that help launch church plants, surely there are organizations that help launch ministries. Right?”

With that thought, google came to the rescue!

There it was, or should I say, there they were! Yes, places do exist! There’s help, wisdom, someone to take my hand and tell me which way to go step-by-step. Provision!

You see, when God gives you a vision, provision is right by its side like a package deal. Too often we mistake provision with being financially stable and find ourselves stuck thinking but we don’t have enough. But sometimes it comes in a way of detailed plans, a how-to if you will. Provision of the how. For me, provision came only after I confessed what the vision actually was – an actual ministry. (Journal time: Have you confessed yet what you are called to do? Release any fears or misconceptions and take the time to write out your confession. Then read it aloud. When you use your voice and speak the words, they begin to build bridges of truth in your vision and heart.)

After that, all I had to do was ask! “Lord, what’s your provision,” and He showed me.

I felt a weight being lifted; one that I didn’t even know I had.

You see, I have a vision to help women to find their “Go” and everything I do is reaction to that vision. I don’t want to react to what others are doing, how pretty they are or what others think I should be doing. I want to react to the purpose God has given me in a way that’s effective to the here and now and for the generations to come. {CLICK TO TWEET}

I want to react in a way that makes us better and build efficiently so that we can be effective. Because if we are effective, we have successfully launched.

Remind yourself.

Not bigger, but better.

Not successful, but effective.

[title subtitle="So what’s the reaction?"][/title]

Well, there’s a lot of behind the scenes going on in the CW Family which means you might not see us in front of the scenes very much in the next few months. But please don’t think that we or I am gone. Quite the contrary!

Like I mentioned, we got our building plans, if you will, and it’s time to build.

We are in a time of building structure. We are putting up walls, laying down the floors, wiring and plumbing are up next so we can open our doors like they are new. A place and environment that is safe. We are creating a structure so that we can talk, grow, and successfully launch each other into the very purpose in which we are created to be.

Sure, this is all symbolisms, but you get my point. There’s no physical building (yet!), but the structure is being built behind the scenes for our programs to flourish so we can mentor and teach women of all generations and seasons of life.

We want to help you discover your “Go” by providing you strategies and practical tools that are relevant, tangible, and life-giving.

We are being intentional.

To sum up, we are designing every detail that will soon come to light and we can’t wait to share them all with you! Little by little, each will be revealed, but in the meantime we will continue to bring you fresh and thoughtful posts each week.

Stick with us. Pray for us. And if it’s in your heart, contact us and let us know you want to be a part of the building process.

The bottom line is this: We want to be effective. And in order for us to be effective, we have to be efficient, thorough, and detailed.

Not to be bigger, but better.

Not to be successful, but effective.

Journal Time:

Have you gotten stuck in the routine of your purpose losing the effectiveness of your “Go”? Stop, confess once again who you are and ask for provision. Not to be successful, prettier, more popular or gain more followers, but to be effective and leave a legacy for the generations to come.

What’s your provision?

[title subtitle="Join the movement"][/title]

lunch and learn

Created Woman is hosting a Lunch & Learn on August 3rd at the Arthouse Austin for women who love all things fashion and faith. During our time together, I'll be sharing the vision, where we are going and then we will break into different groups as team members share on different programs and outreach opportunities with a time for Q & A.  Here's why:

CW is growing! It's an exciting time so we are inviting you to grow with us as we impact women around the world through fashion and faith. So, if you are a #LegacyBuilder and have the desire to create a movement that will last for generations to come, then mark your calendar for August 3rd.

Who are we looking for? Glad you asked!
Writers - Speakers - Stylists - Outreach - Advisory & Governance Board - Social Media - Editors - Event Coordinator - Mentors - Administration - Financial Support

~ Don't fit into anyone of those categories? ~ 
No worries, we've got you covered! Join our CW Ambassador Program where you'll get to be a part of different areas of the Created Woman Foundation. We'll help you find your niche!

Lunch & Learn
11:30am - 1:00pm
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Austin Arthouse
11505 Anderson Mill Rd,
Austin, Texas 78750

CW Advisory Board & Family will be on hand to present different programs and outreach opportunities and answer your questions.

Box lunch provided so be sure to reserve a box and RSVP on our fb page page or email us at

[title subtitle="Previous Journal Entries"][/title]