A Fitness Plan for Your Fall Schedule

Fall is here, and we have been talking a lot about it! The change in weather, time, and priorities also means a change in schedules and a good time to get back to exercise. But I have to be honest; this year is really kicking me in the rear. It is a crazy new schedule with a middle school daughter, late night practices and a son in the 3rd grade, which is the year when homework gets kicked up – just warning you if you are not there yet!

Personally, I have to access my new routine and time demands to design a realistic workout regimen to have consistency. What may have worked at one time may not work in my current season of life.

Are you in a season of life that seems impossible to find time to exercise? Let’s pause and commit to taking care of the body God has given us with the best resources we have at this time in our lives. Think about a few things.

1 - Decide to make it a priority

We all make time for things that are a priority. There is that nail or hair appointment that may not be missed because of its importance, or a snack of your favorite chocolate and an hour of Scandal sounds much better than 20 minutes on the treadmill. Once our health and exercise become a priority, we can find ways to plan for it. 

Proverbs 21:5 says,

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to the advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.”

By making it a priority and submitting that plan to the Lord, He will provide a way.

2 - Assess your Actual Time, Schedule, and Responsibilities

Realistically, we have to be honest and admit that we may find an extra 30 minutes during the day just by cutting back on social media, email or TV. If that is not the case, it could be that there are too many things on our plate. Fall, a season of transition and change, is a good time to pause and learn to delegate or eliminate a few things completely. For my health mentally and physically, I have to learn that I cannot successfully add more to my plate before taking something off. My prayer for my time is Ephesians 5:15-16:

“Be very careful then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”

3 - Combine Activities

I love thinking outside of the box and getting a little creative. Our workout/exercise time does not have to be with a trip to the gym. Instead of sitting and waiting during football practice or dance class, I may have to use that time to grab 30 minutes of walking around a soccer field while I wait. When my husband and I need to catch up with each other or have quality times with the kids, we may head out around the block for a good walk and talk.

God wants us to take care of our body to the best of our ability, whatever our circumstances or limitations may be. By making exercise a priority and utilizing our time more effectively, exercise can become a part of life no matter the season.

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Gather Her || 10.20.16



..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Enjoy an evening with women just like you who want to explore their faith and love all things fashion:

6:30 - 8:30 pm
FREE for all women!
RSVP on facebook

If you believe in the mission, we do accept donations! Click Here to donate.

At Gather Her, you will:
~ Find refuge in a lovely environment.
~ Create authentic, pure relationships through girl talk time after each message.
~ Hear truth through monthly guest speakers.
~ Meet women who are real, fun and authentic who love to laugh during our mix & mingle time!
~ Learn how to take care of yourself as an Ambassador of Christ through our monthly fashion partner.

Light Bites & Wine provided + Photo Booth

October Guest Speaker: CW's own, Lynn Marie Cherry, Author

Lynn has just published her first book and will share her personal journey of walking through betrayal and how we, too, can get to other side of our hurts and hangups we may have experienced in our lives. It's real #GirlTalk


Created Woman: Equip & empower women to be who they are created to be inside & out.