Back to the Basics: What does it Mean? Do you need to judge yourself to see what is robbing you of values you once held onto so strongly? Read More OutreachMartha BushJuly 23, 2012back seat, back to the basics, basics, best friend, computer, decency, entrance, facebook friends, husband, life, morning time, national news, phrase, prayer, reading, seat, self check, time, wee hours, word Comments
Finding Focus...Even In Our Romantic Relationships Inside / Out, WomanGuest ContributorsJune 20, 2012Area, commandment, continual state, facet, focus, future activities, god and his word, greatest commandment, guidance, heart soul, husband, Issue, mind, moment by moment, romantic relationships, sarah francis, Sex, stress point, thomas nelson inc, wordComment
Seeing is Believing....AFTER You're Obedient Inside / OutErikaJune 9, 2012arc, best interest, bright idea, dear jesus, drop, drop of rain, earth, everything, face, future, Genesis, great flood, Hear, heart, hope and a future, idea, interest, jeremiah, Lord, nbsp, nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp, noah, picturesque, Psalm, psalm 25, psalm 33, right, scriptures, sky, Ther, time, Trusting, trusting in the lord, word, word of the lord Comments
Facebook and Text Messages - A New Way of Communicating Inside / Out, OutreachMartha BushOctober 29, 2011attitude, attitude adjustment, bible courses, chapter, Communicating, communication, division, encouraging word, face, facebook, food for thought, lack of time, life, mail, norm, person, running through my mind, text messaging, time, way, wayside, word, word of encouragement Comments
Trendy Tresses FashionCobyMarch 18, 2011advantage, angelina jolie, blowout, bob, brades, braid, braids, Bumble, Bumbles, carpet, celeb, celebrity, entricate, everything, faro, flexability, freedom, friend jen, glam, Hair, hair movement, hairstylist, hollywood, homage, home, influence, inspierd, january jones, jen anisten, jennifer aniston, jessica alba, life, life imitates art, locks, mia farrow, michelle william, michelle williams, mila kunis, Movement, natural wave, NEW, Old, Oscars, oscars red carpet, red carpet, Reese Witherspoon, renosaunce, retro, retro styles, revi, revival, scarlet, scarlet johanson, scarlett johansson, season, shampoo, Simplicity, spring, style, styling, styling products, take, texture, touch, Tresses, tribute, twist, upswept, vidal sasoon, vidal sassoon, wave, weather, weight, Weither, word Comments
The Resolution of a Godly Wife WomanCrystal BreauxJanuary 19, 2011Body, faithful instruction, gentle spirit, Godly, godly wife, hearing god, husband, instruction, measure, prayer, proverbs, quiet spirit, quietness, reflection, Resolution, self control, Shh, time, wife, wisdom, word, word of god Comments