What Not To Wear
Inside / OutKalaappropriate, beauty, bikini wax, breasts, business attire, business casual, character, charm, cleavage, compromising situations, curves, deceptive, devotional, Fashion, fleeting beauty, friendship, God, grace, idea, indiscreet, indiscretion, low rise, marriage, marriage friendship, mini skirt, modest, modesty, nobility, noble, open toe, place god, proverbs 31, Proverbs 31 Woman, provocative, sandals, short skirts, shorts, sister, skinny jeans, spaghetti straps, spring, store, stumbling blocks, suede boots, tact, taste, Texan, Texas, thong, toe, toe sandals, walk with god, waste, wedgie, Woman, work hours, yeast infection
Sleep On It
Inside / OutCobyauthority, conviction, daughter, disciples, emergency, emergency surgery, life, midst, mom, mom and dad, psalm 23, quiet place, raging waters, resting place, romans, sister, solution, storm, surgery, time peace
Serious Business
Inside / OutNicholecharles eames, city, course, crazy person, Ecclesiastes, food and drink, girl, hand, hand of god, i don t care, person, serious business, single parent, sister, spare time, time, top priority, waste, waste of money, way
Make A Wish
Outreach, WomanJessicabattle scars, call, cat, chicken and dumplings, countless friends, dr todd, eight brothers, family, husband, mom and dad, phone, sister, six flags, st baldrick, story, Thursday, treatment, tulip gardens, whilms tumor, wish, year
"You Have Cancer"
Health/Fitness, Outreach, WomanCherylBody, cancer, chance, cissy, devastation, doctor, emotion, free gift, freight train, Full, gift, girls dream, health, healthy living, life, life is a gift, loss, mea, nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp, passion and purpose, seat, sickness, sister, tenacity, way, You have cancer
Sit Awhile
Inside / OutCobyarmy, Awhile, contender, crisis, desert island, exhaustion, eXODUS, imagery, island, life, mentors, miracles, moses, need, nine days, no doubt, rock, rock jesus, sister, sisterhood, spare tire, stone, story, sun, team effort
Smile Pretty
Inside / OutNicholebad moods, broken spirit, cetera, cheerful heart, cheerfulness, frustrations, good medicine, gripe, Happy, horrible voice, husband, life, person, pity parties, positivity, proverbs, sad face, sight, singing happy birthday, sister, smiles, way, Women
Sleep On It
Inside / OutCobyauthority, comfort, comforter, conviction, daughter, devotional, disciples, emergency, emergency surgery, encouragement, fight worry, find peace, Inside / Out, Inspirational, inspiring reading, inspiring thoughts, inspiring words, life, mom, mom and dad, peace of god, problems, psalm 23, quiet place, raging waters, resting place, romans, sister, solution, spiritual, spiritual growth, storm, surgery, time peace, words of encouragement, worry
Valentine From God
OutreachMartha Bushaffirmation, bride, dark tent, father, Genesis, gift, husband, image of god, Jacob, Judah, laban, leah, Levi, love, next morning, peak, Rachel, reuben, romantics, Simeon, sister, typical wedding, unconditional love, unl, unloved, Valentine, way, wedding night, womb