Do You Need a New Summer Wardrobe?
Fashion, Inside / Out, OutreachMartha Bushapproval, blame, faith, performance, pride, shame, style, summer wardrobe, Woman, women in faith
Inside / OutNicholebroken walls, co worker, coffee date, countless dreams, encouraging word, father, girl, isaiah 58, King, land, life, love, order, position, remnants, servant, shame, teenage girl, walls of jerusalem, wreckage
Love is a Choice, not a Feeling
OutreachMartha Bush000 angels, 10, alarm clock, bake, Behold, child, choice, crown of thorns, dozen cookies, feelings, holy name, home, kind, life, life of jesus, love is a choice, o clock, old hymn, person, rush hour traffic, school tomorrow, shame, thorn in my side, tomorrow, way