My Go to Fruit
For benefits that last
I am an anxious person.
I have anger issues.
I can’t help myself.
I am just weak.
This will always be my struggle.
Are these the words and labels that we often use to define ourselves familiar to you? Do you sometimes wonder if you will always be “that person?” But if we accept these definitions of ourselves, we will continue to walk in a state of anxiousness, bitterness, resentment or weakness, imprisoned by that one thing we identity ourselves to be.
Yes, my attitude can keep me from walking in the freedom of God and everything He wants me to be.
I have a natural impulse to get things done. However, in my effort to get it done, I can spout off with unnecessary words or actions that can cause damage, hurt or mistakes. In those times, I have to take a deep breath and be reminded of Galatians 5 in the Bible. It clearly defines the fruits of the spirit as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. These are the characteristics we are to identify with as followers of Christ. I have to say that in my natural state when I want to get things done, self-control would definitely not always be a ripened fruit in my life. I can be so consumed with what I need and want to do, that I forget what I need to be. The truth is that those negative definitions we have given ourselves can hold us back from doing what the Lord would have us do, and living as a reflection of Christ Jesus.
The good news is that we do not have to accept that we are destined to always be “that person.” 1 Peter 1 says that we are a child of God and He has given us power and authority. The things I cannot demonstrate self-control for on my own, I can tap into the help and authority I have as a child of God. I no longer have to claim that is “just how I am.”
My friends, we no longer have to be mastered by our thoughts, fears, desires, worries, laziness, doubts, self-talk, addictions, or anger… now you fill in the blank. We can turn our hearts toward God and give those things to Him. As we connect to Him each day, He can begin to mold us to be women who are identified as someone with peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
As you reflect on the fruits of the spirit, which one do you not identity with in your natural state?
If you were to develop that fruit, what is an example of how this would be revealed in your life each day?
What can you do to connect with the Lord each day to grown in Him and the fruits of the spirit? (Ex: spend time in His word, learn to understand the fruit of the spirit, connect with someone you see exemplifies this fruit)
What is one fruit of the spirit you would like to develop and one action you can take today to move closer in that direction?
I have the right to do anything, you but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do anything, but I will not be mastered by anything
(1 Corinthians 6:12)
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