More Than You Deserve

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In His Great Grace and Mercy, God Doesn’t Give Us What We Deserve

I recently began a new Surrendering the Secret Bible study group for women seeking healing from the heartbreak of past abortion. As we began the discussion in our second session together, one of the ladies asked a question that has been on my mind ever since. She asked, “What right do I have to dream?” As we discussed this further, I learned that she believed her past sins were so grievous that she didn’t deserve the blessings in her life and she certainly didn’t deserve to dream.

This sweet sister in Christ was struggling, as most of us do, with false beliefs about the sinful actions in her past. When we are broken and have not done the work of seeking complete healing in Jesus, we are most vulnerable to the attacks of Satan. One of his favorite ways to attack us is through whispers just like the ones she was hearing. His whispers tell us that we are not worthy, that we are failures, that we’ve messed up too bad to deserve God’s grace. These whispers assail us until we believe them to be truths.

In our culture, we tend to have an air of entitlement that leads us to believe we will get what we deserve. If we work hard and do good, we are rewarded with good things. On the other hand, if someone does something terrible, we often offer condolences like, “don’t worry, she will get what she deserves.”

This belief is common in our world, but it is certainly not biblical. The Bible does not guarantee that we will get what we deserve. In fact, it tells us the very opposite.

Jesus freely gave Himself on the cross so that we could receive the gift of God’s mercy and grace. We deserve nothing from God. But in His mercy, He does not deal with us as we deserve, and in His grace, He gives us the good gifts of eternal salvation, forgiveness of sins, and abundant life.

I am grateful that God chooses not to give me what I deserve. He gives me so much more! Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His offer of forgiveness is more than any of us could ever earn in our own strength. As Psalm 103:10 reminds us, “God doesn’t punish us for all our sins or deal harshly with us, as we deserve.”  Instead, He offers us mercy and grace when we turn to Him in full repentance and faith. That is a truth worth seeking, my sisters. And it’s the best news ever!


  1. What are some of the false beliefs that you struggle to move past as you seek healing in your life?

  2. How do you spot and overcome the lies that Satan whispers into your life?

  3. What dreams have you been afraid to dream due to false beliefs about yourself?

He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. (Psalm 103:10 NLT)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23 NIV)



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