I'm Not Going...I Hate My Outfit
It was two weeks before the first day of my new job. It was a position that I knew God had prepared and purposed me for at this time in my life to teach, coach and equip others to fulfill their calling. I was excited and prayerfully asked God to guide me to serve others in this new season. Then my thoughts quickly changed and I became consumed with, "Oh, no, what will I wear?"
There were so many thoughts that now began to fill the space in my head. "I have to dress to be relatable, yet, professional. I want to be stylish, yet, respectable. I will be with new people, a new culture… what do they wear? It will be a cross of many generations and I want them all to like me."
In Created Woman, fashion is our last core principle. We believe we are to show up well and present ourselves in a way that is honorable to the Lord. It is to honor Him and reflect who we are in Christ. It is not, however, to consume our thoughts or intimidate us from stepping out to do what God has for His purpose. The fear of not fitting in; the fear of not having the latest trend; the fear of being different; the fear of not having enough or being accepted; all can hold us back from going where God wants us to go. The enemy can consume our mind, if we allow him, with feelings of insecurities that rob us from stepping out to fulfill our calling. We must hold on to God's word that informs us and brings us comfort.
“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25 NIV). We can show up well, but not be so consumed with our outerwear that we neglect what God wants to do with our innerwear. May we remember God's word that gives us instructions of what can righteously consume our thoughts.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 NIV)
I have to learn to rest in who I am and love my style… with a little direction from CW, of course! As I speak and interact with my new job, I must remember to keep my focus on the inward just as much as the outward and show up well in all areas
How have you allowed your outward insecurities to hold you back from doing what God is calling you to do?
What would you step out and do, or where would you go if worry was not an issue?
What could you do to seek more of His righteousness on the inside?
Name three things you will do to seek more of His righteousness and tackle your fears and worries?
Therefore I tell you, do not worry, about your life, what you eat or drink; about your body, what you will wear..” (Matthew 6:25 NIV)
Kendra Gives Back Party!
Thursday, December 12th, 6-8pm
The Domain
Our monthly Gather Her will meet up instead at Kendra Scott for a night of sips, sweets + shopping. Save your Christmas shopping for December 12th while enjoying a girls night. Invite your friends & those you want to introduce to Created Woman
Join us at Kendra Scott at The Domain for an evening of shopping that gives back! 20% of the proceeds will go back to Created Woman as we work to equip and empower women to be who they are created to be through faith + fashion.
We believe that as you change a woman’s life, she then changes the world around her. That’s why it’s so important to Created Woman to equip and empower women to become who God created them to be, inside and out.
By partnering with CW, you are actively empowering women to be the leaders they are thr