What is Your Fitness Plan

What is your Fitness Plan? So many times we start off exercising with no plan or direction and wonder why we can’t stick with it or why it is not working. As with anything else in our life, we must have clear cut direction on where we are going and what we want to accomplish. Our fitness program must consistent of the four components of exercise: type, intensity, duration and frequency. To be successful, we must plan in advance each component, schedule it and commit to it each week. What will be your type?

Before heading to the gym, know what you will do. Don’t wait until you enter the door to think about if you want to walk, run, swim, bike or a take dance class. Make sure you incorporate a variety of 2-3 forms of exercise. Limiting yourself to one type of fitness can lead to burn out and no other choice but to quit when your motivation to exercise is gone.

Think about your intensity.

Intensity and heart rate will change according to your fitness goals and fitness level. Be aware of it and be willing to stretch yourself.

Commit to your duration

Without knowing how long you intend to exercise, you are more likely to quite at any time. Set a goal for you duration before you get started whether it is for 20, 30 or 45 minutes for each session.

Plan your frequency. Sit down at the beginning of the week to look at your personal schedule and decide the number of days you can commit to work out for that week. Get those on the calendar and commit to it as any other appointment.

With a little time and planning, you can see improvements in your fitness level.

For more direction or information on your personal Wellness Coach, contact Crystal@crystalclearchange.com or 409-550-7606.