Simple Food

Fall can be like the beginning of the New Year. With many new schedules, activities and responsibilities, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy diet.  However, many times, it is simple steps that can be forgotten that keep many busy women from eating healthy.  1. SIMPLE SNACKS AND MEALS

Have you ever rushed out the door in the morning with nothing more than a mug of coffee in hand? Then when hunger hits, you discover you are at the mercy of someone or something else for a snack or meal.  Or you may decide to skip a meal or snack which only slows down your metabolism and leaves you famished at your next meal with no control over what you eat.

Taking a few minutes in the morning or the night before to prepare a quick meal or snack, can be the key to maintaining a healthy weight and diet.  Chose things that are easy to transport such as:   

  • Handful of baby carrots or apple with 1oz (22) almonds

  • 1 cup fresh berries (blueberries, strawberries) with string cheese


  • 1 TBS of peanut butter for a banana or apple



Being aware of your triggers that lead to unhealthy eating choices such as a lack of time, emotions or habits is the first step to taking control of your diet.  Once you are aware, you can develop a simple action plan to replace eating when your triggers hit.

 These are just two simple steps that, if missed, can lead to inconsistency in your weight and a loss of control over eating.  Don’t let a hectic schedule this fall determine how and what you will eat.

 I am excited to share how you can have control of your eating in my 6 week teleclass, beginning in October, Food Design for the Busy Woman.  We will cover the following:

  • How to plan healthy meals and snacks, even if traveling or eating out
  • How to manage your food triggers that drive you to eat, despite of hunger
  • What you need to eat to meet your weight loss goals and maintain it
  • How to develop a plan to be consistent with your lifestyle

 Taking this class is simple, regardless of your geographical location.  Click here for a quick video to learn more.