Let the Training Begin

Ok…so after doing a little research about training for a 10K I’m realizing I’m more of a “beginner” runner than an actual full-fledge “runner” (which is what I liked to call myself). Reading things like “5 easy miles” or “35 minute 10k” makes me giggle a little. I don’t think I’ve run “5 easy miles” since high school!!! I did however find some really cool beginner’s 10K training schedules online. If you’re up for dropping a little money Runner’s World has a GREAT training log you can purchase online (click here to check it out). I decided to opt for a non-cost option and found a training schedule that looks possible at Cari-fit. There are only (6) weeks to go until the Capital 10K so this program is perfect! This Monday is day 1 so I’ll keep you posted…ps – I dare you to try it