Go Green on a Budget!

Go Green on a Budget!  I love when I can kill two birds with one stone.  There is something in me that takes great satisfaction when I can get two things accomplished with one activity.  There are so many ways to “go green” but there are a few simple tricks I try to focus on to be more eco-friendly and save money at the same time.

  • Avoid Package Products.

I am all about saving time and buying pre-packaged items can make things more convenient. However, there are so many “packaged” products that we can avoid just by taking a little extra time. Instead of buying fruit or salad in bags or containers, it only takes a few minutes at the beginning of the week to cut up your fresh fruit and have it ready to grab in the frig. It is also less expensive.

  • Cook just enough

How much food are you throwing out each day? Make a list before going to the grocery store and stick with it. If it seems like you are eating less than you buy, reevaluate your grocery needs.  Split your raw portions and freeze them before you cook once you have established the needs of your family at each meal.

  • Cut Back on Meat

It takes a lot of processing to make sure you get the quality of meat you expect. Meat needs high amounts of water, land and grain.  If you like eating meat, cut down on your portion sizes or divide your meat in freezer bags right when you get home.  It is a bargain.  It will help save the earth, your budget and your calories.

  • Eat from the colors of the season. 

Have your plate filled with many different colors of fresh fruits and vegetables and limit the number of packaged items that need to be opened.  Look at what is on sale and in season at your local markets to cut down on cost of fruits and veggies.

Don’t get overwhelmed; pick one or two things that you can do consistently