Great Minds Think Alike
I don't know about you, but I know that there have been many days in my life where honestly I was just floating along. Yes, I had a goal, I had a plan, and I even had a big dream, but in most moments, I just felt so stuck. I can remember many days staring at the ceiling, eating my M&M's, and hoping that things could just be easier. The days that I spent in my bed are the days that the devil tried to plant these thoughts about myself in my head and in my heart that were not true. They sounded like “Look at you, you're just being lazy!” and, “Yeah, you are never going to get done.” Sadly, I started to believe that what he was saying might be true.
One thing that we know about the devil is that he is a liar. So, anything that he might try to say to us, we can automatically believe the opposite. I went back to the word, as I often do, and in Proverbs 23:7 it says,“As he thinks within himself, so is he.”Translation? Whatever you think about yourself, that is what you are.
This is where having a community that can uplift you and remind you to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones is vital. You need a tribe that can remind you about who you are in God's eyes! Knowing God's word, so you can know what he says about you, is the best way to stop those thoughts that might try to come in and make you feel bad about yourself.
The powerful thing about God is he has life in his words. That means everything God says is true, and it will happen. He says that you are blessed, and so you are! He says that you are more than an overcomer, and you are! He says that you are more than an overcomer, and you are! He says that you have freedom to let go of things that were once hurting you, and you do! If those are things that God has spoken over you, and you know God is stronger than the devil, whose thoughts will you partner yours with? Believe that you are an amazing woman who was created on purpose, for a purpose… and you will be.
When you feel stuck, what is the first thing that you do? (Mine is to eat M & M's.)
Who do you have around you that can support and empower you from a faith-based perspective?
Is it easy or difficult for you to put God's thoughts about you first?
“As he thinks within himself, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV)
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