Get Out of the Comparison Trap

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God Needs Your Attention Elsewhere

My thirties were the year of comparison with the voices in my head that would whisper,  "I bet she is better than me," or, "she has probably never said or done what I have." In addition to the words in my head was the internal pressure to not be vulnerable or show my failures to anyone. That season as a young wife climbing the career ladder, I could easily get stuck in my head.  This internal struggle kept me from experiencing a peace and closeness with God, as I was not relying on His words of truth for me, but my own. It was exhausting. 

I needed freedom from my destructive thoughts with a healing touch from God. The road to recovery began when I realized how this destruction was keeping me from moving into God's purpose for my life. To be honest, I had to accept that the constant thoughts of what I wanted to say were humble thoughts, were really a source of pride and selfishness. Yikes! How could that be?  They were negative!  Because they were still centered around me.   How could I focus on loving and serving others for God's purpose if I am constantly comparing myself to others. With this realization, it was now time to begin knowing what God says and understanding Him in a deeper way than I had before.

The book, A Confident Heart, by Renee Swope, helped heal me of comparative thinking. In it, I learned to practice meditating on the words of the Lord that declares His thoughts and love He has for his children.  I had to begin the process of letting God heal my mind through His words; to find freedom from self-centered thoughts and transform them into God-centered thoughts. This was  not an overnight miracle, but a process of seeking to know God more and more every day.  This led to a practice of not only reading, but learning and memorizing scripture to fight the internal voices that were keeping me stuck and missing what God was calling me to do to do for His glory.

This season of healing was painful at times, but it was also the most comforting and peaceful as I rested in God's word. Remember, my friend, God's desire is to have you as His own.   He created you for a purpose with gifts and talents that are unique to you.  May we not get stuck in the comparison trap and miss how He wants to use our gifts, hurts, and even mistakes for His glory.  We just have to be willing to allow Him to do what He wants to do in us, and remember Ephesians 1:4 that says, "For He chose us in Him before creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight." (NIV)


  1. How has comparison consumed your thoughts?

  2. What could happen if you substituted your own thoughts with God’s truths??

  3. What can you implement today to start learning more of God's word and committing it to memory?

"For He chose us in Him before creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."

(Ephesians 1:4 NIV)



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