Where To Next?

I think I’ll always remember the age I was when I first needed to own a watch. I’d never noticed how much I needed one until I was a full-time student, working 30 hours a week, helping out at her church, and trying somehow to get in time each day with her husband. Having my phone in hand to constantly check the time was just a pain in the butt. Then, my husband bought me a beautiful watch! I became one of those people who checked it every 30 minutes, making sure my day was going according to plan. We get pretty spoiled that way, huh? We get used to being able to plan and predict and prepare and control. I, unfortunately, am an addict. After graduating last year, I became a bit disoriented. I didn’t have a dream job lined up, I didn’t know exactly what my next step was, and, most importantly, I didn’t know what to PLAN for. Jesus once told His disciples,“It is not for you to know times and seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.” Acts 1:7

I think at different stages in our lives we ask God, “Are we finished now? Can I have my dream job yet? Should I have kids now? Can we start the next thing now?” I think Jesus often still replies with “It is not for you to know times and seasons.” He wants us to trust and enjoy the ride. He wants us to rely on Him to be in control. While working hard isn’t a bad thing, I’m constantly being reminded that I need to loosen my grip on planning and controlling.  We need to be okay with not knowing what the next part of the ‘plan’ is. We have to learn to trust in what lies ahead.

To the wonder women of the world, the control connoisseurs, and the professional planners; take a breather. Take an unplanned drive and discover a new place. Leave a weekend completely open, wake up, and then do whatever your little heart desires. Learn to live a life free of anxious planning and controlling! He's got it all in His hands.