The Power of Your Story

Recently I had a friend ask me if I would share with a group of ladies about my journey to wholeness. It seemed almost comical to share something I had once spent so much effort hiding. Its just like God though to not just bring those hidden things into the light to heal me, but then to allow me to share what was once too painful to talk about, in a way that might give others hope. The turning point in my thinking was two fold:

1.  A message I heard

"when we share our victory with others we invite them to stand on ground we have battled for, and won. Along with this  we invite them to the mercy seat of Jesus"

2. This verse.

Rev. 12:11 " they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony"...

This one- two punch, jump started a desire in me for the freedom of others.  This enemy that accuses day and night was overcome by the sacrifice of Jesus, and the testimony of believers. Not just their salvation message, but the testimony of how He came through. The testimony of how He held them or brought them out of something. WOW!

I share all this to say, your story is worth telling. Now I am not saying go out and emotionally vomit on every person that comes your way. I am saying, that when the Holy Spirit nudges your heart with compassion to tell your story, listen. Consider the freedom you hold, and that it could be a chance for another to have the same freedom.  Our battles, our struggles, our pain, and tears can end with us. With no one ever knowing. Sadly though they will also never be hope for someone else. Our victory can be ours, and end with us. Better yet they can be a victory that changes a generation to come.

What's your story?

Thank you God for all you have done in us.

Thank you for ears to hear your nudging.

Thank you for courage to share all you have done.
