Fashion + Faith: What does God think of your love of fashion?
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”
Colossians 3:23, New International Version
I love the story of Zaccheus because the ending is so meaningful, but often overlooked. After a once corrupt tax collecter’s heart is changed by Jesus, Zaccheus doesn’t leave behind his job and home and follow Jesus in discipleship. Why? Jesus needed Zaccheus right where he was, as a worshipful tax collecter. While ministering in tax collecting may be less obvious than ministering in another format, it is no less important in God’s eyes.
C. Life in the Now
I used to feel a conviction for loving fashion. Even though I believe God has graciously given me my sense of style and my appreciation for beauty in clothing and accessories, I often felt a guilt stemming from a fear of being dismissed as materialistic. I imagine finding ministers in the fashion industry is just about as unexpected as finding minister in tax collecting. That’s why I identify with Zaccheus. While third world countries are more obvious platforms for ministry, God doesn’t call every Christian to move to a third world country. There would be no ministry in first world countries. There’s no reason to feel guilty because your calling is different than Mother Theresa’s. As daughters of Christ, we are unique in our abilities and talents. With that said, our skills and opportunities are still gifts, so we should use these precious gifts for the Lord, not for worldly masters. So while I don’t need to feel guilty about my love for fashion, I do need to keep my passions in line with God’s intentions for them. I constantly ask myself if I am seeking approval or favor from the right source, and if I’m being humble about it. It’s easy for my passion to become materialistic and worldly. But if I continue to align them with God’s will, I can be confident in whom God made me, and not be hindered by a conviction.
D. Think About It
What are some of your God-given abilities or talents? Do you feel convicted about these talents or abilities?
How can you use those abilities as ministry?
E. Talk About It
God, give me a new perspective on the passions and talents you have given me. Shed new light on how these gifts can be works for you, even in the subtlest of ways.
F. More of the Truth
…not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man…
Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.