One thing anyone can do everyday

I remember the day I realized the exercise routine I followed for years was coming to an end.  I did not have the time, stamina or fitness level that I once had.  I thought, "what is the use, I'm not motivated and I don't care." It then hit me! I was making it all about me. Is that the only reason I should be "taking care of myself" each day? It was in a self-pity moment the real motivation spoke to me. Taking care of my body is an obedient act unto the Lord, and a way to be ready to fulfill His purpose in my life.  That is when I implemented my motto that I live by every day: " if I can't do what I used to do, I will do what I can do." I may not be able to run fast, but I can walk.  If I can't walk, I can do yoga.  I may have a not-so-perfect diet day, but I can make healthy choices with what I do have. 

The apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:1 

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."  (ESV)

I love how it is translated in the Message version of the Bible

"So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. "(MSG)

The passage goes on to share how we are one body with different gifts which are to be used for serving others. In other words, we have a job to do, and should present our bodies to the Lord in a manner to be used for him.  

I heard my pastor once say it like this. “I don’t want to be the one who limits what God want to do through me.”  We are called to spread the word of Jesus and have a special talent so we should each be healthy to the best of our own ability. 

 Living healthy is not about running the fastest, lifting the heaviest or spending hours at the gym.  Those, too, can turn into an impure motive that does not honor God. It may mean choosing to prepare healthy meals at home, going for a 20 minute walk, or adding more fresh fruits and vegetables into our diet.  It's choosing to be responsible with the body and time God has given us. 

What would it look like if we paused and said, "Today, I choose to honor God with my body and take good care of it to the best of my ability.” That is one healthy thing we can all do every day.  

Personal reflection:

1.    Have you ever viewed exercise and eating as a way to honor God?

2.    In the past, what has been your motivation for eating healthy and exercising? For example, was it to gain the approval of others, for weight loss, or to look a certain way? Maybe health issues?

3.    Where are you in the CW process of fulfilling God's purpose for your life? (dreams, healing, Identity, Health, Purpose, Inside/Out/Fashion)


We believe that women were born on purpose and for a purpose.Yet, only 26% of women say they are completely satisfied with their life. (Barna Group, 2014,) Friends, I think we can do better. No. I think we DESERVE better and that God has better for us, too! 100%.

Being healthy is not just about hitting the gym and eating healthy, but about pursuing health in every area of your life, mentally, physically and spiritually.  We also need each other to laugh, cheer, cry and support each other in every area of our life.  

May Line up: Living a healthy lifestyle mentally, spiritually and physically.

  • Gather Her, May 9th! Join us for this month's Gather Her with Candace Smith, The Suchy Much

  • Podcast:

    • May 14th: How to Launch a Business with Melissa Grant

    • May 28th: Loving Yourself Past Your Pain, with Gather Her speaker, Candace Smith

  • Weekly Devotionals every Monday & Wednesday:

    • God, Gluten, & Grace

    • The Caregiver’s Caregiver

    • Brain Boot Camp, or How to Shed Unwanted Thoughts

    • Good morning Jesus