To the Girl Who Feels Left Out

I understand what it’s like to be that girl. I think we have all been that girl at some point. I was a straight-haired girl in the eighties who longed for curls. I had giant bifocal glasses, crossed eyes, knobby knees, and never quite felt like I was one of them. Through middle school, high school, and even college I always I felt different, yet somehow absolutely ordinary.  I was smart but not the top of the class, athletic yet an average player, on the student council but not the president, the list goes on. I wanted to fit in, but I also wanted to feel important and accomplished, I think we all do. As a grown woman I still see that girl sometimes, in me and in you. I see women who hold back their dreams for fear of rejection, admire the accomplishments of others yet fail to see their own, and go through their life trying to be what they think the world expects of them.

1 Peter 2:9 says that as God’s people we are all chosen, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. The Bible also tells us that we are all a part of the body of Christ, each individual bringing their own unique calling, abilities, and spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12). Paul, one of the most famous Jesus followers in the Bible, absolutely owns the fact that he is different and starts the book of Romans by basically saying “Hi, I’m Paul and I have been set apart and made different by God.” Obviously, this is not a direct quote, but I hope you are seeing the same theme I’ve caught wind of. If we choose to follow Jesus, we are accepted and included, never to be left out again. What’s more, He has made each of us to be set apart for Him. We were never meant to be like everyone else!

When I look back at this picture of this little girl, or into the face of my sweet daughter, and when I think about you (yes YOU), here is what I want each of us to know:


First of all, you are super cute; Accept it and own it sister.

You feel different because you are different, you were never meant to be like them.

They are different too, and were never meant to be like you.

God has bigger plans for you than you could ever imagine.

It will never be easy to do what you were meant to do, but it will always will amazing.

Surround yourself with people who see your different, embrace it, encourage it, and develop it to its full, God-given potential.

Choose to be the one who sees, accepts, and encourages the different in others.

Remember, if you are in the crowd, they can’t see you shine.

Never be afraid to shine, it’s what you were made to do.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

Personal reflection:

  1. What makes you different, unique, or special? If you asked your best friend this question, what would she say?

  2. We all have unique qualities, gifts and talents, but sometimes we don’t use them to their full potential. How can you let your qualities shine?

  3. Looking at your list of ways to shine, make one specific goal todayto use your unique gifts and abilities in order to shine for God.

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