Getting Fit on the Inside Out
I love fitness. Exercise and eating healthy have always been something I enjoyed. But honestly, the inside was not the healthiest. I sought confidence in what others thought of me; my purpose was about my own success; and my motivations were definitely not always pure and healthy.
However, as I began to seek more of the Lord, He showed me there were things that I needed to surrender to Him, such as my identity, purpose, goals, motivations and desires. And of course, just as getting fit on the outside is a lifestyle of healthy habits, the same is true for the inside with a continual renewal with the Lord each day.
To be truly healthy is more than achieving a certain weight on the scale, running at a certain speed or lifting a certain amount of weight. I believe that being healthy encompasses what we are on the inside. Women who are fit on the inside are:
confident in who they are in Christ and His purpose for their life
able to manage their time with priorities in the right place
living and working with pure motives in all that they do
What about you? What if for 2017 you focused on getting healthy on the inside. It could change the way you start an exercise and eating plan for the new year in an effort to get fit on the outside. Here is what it can affect.
Confidence and Purpose
A lack of confidence and life purpose usually leads to people pleasing and the need to say “yes” to everything, which is exhausting physically and mentally. How can there be any time or energy to exercise and eat healthy when you’re trying to do and be everything for everyone else?
Romans 12:6 (ASB) says,
“And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace, given to us, let each exercise them accordingly.”
By being confident in Christ and our purpose, there can be a desire to be healthy to fulfill the unique purpose God created for us.
Time Management and Priorities
When we cut out things outside of what we are called to do, that leaves time to take care of yourself. We must first identify our priorities (with our health being one of them) in life and managing our time around them. One of my favorite passages is in Ephesians.
Ephesians 5:15-16 (ASB) says,
“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”
Attempting to do too many things at once is not always the wisest thing. It leaves little room to give attention to what is said to be a priority. Stop for a moment and reflect.
Where your time should be spent each day
How your time can best be used for His purpose
How you can use your time to take care of your physical and spiritual fitness
Not Identifying the Right Motivation
So often, I hear women say, “I just can’t seem to stay motivated.” If you can relate, take a few minutes to write down all of the benefits you could receive from exercising and eating healthy.
For instance
manage your stress
have confidence in yourself
honor God with your body and food
healthy and ready to do God’s work to the best of your ability
Dig deep into your soul and think about why you really want to exercise and eat healthy. A pure motivation brings changes that will lead to healthy living, not a temporary unrealistic diet and exercise plan.
May I share that I did not always have it right. Oh yes, I exercised, but why? Not to please the Lord, but for selfish reasons. My personal prayer to be healthy and fit comes from Psalms 26:2 in the Message.
“Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests.
Make sure I’m fit inside and out.”
I don’t know about you, but I want to have pure motives and a heart to be healthy and fit on the inside and out.
So now, I leave you with a challenge. Dig deep in your soul and ask yourself a few questions.
Are you trying to do too many things or say yes to everything and everyone to gain, seek attention or feel good about yourself?
Have your motives always been pure?
For 2017, instead of setting out on a new diet and exercise plan, think about getting healthy and fit on the inside. It could change what happens on the outside.
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