16 Lessons I've Learned About Pivoting Strategy in Business and Leadership as a Christian

In my journey in business, as a Christian woman leader, and entrepreneur, I’ve encountered countless moments where a pivot in strategy was not just beneficial, but essential. These pivot points have taught me valuable lessons about adaptability, resilience, and staying true to my God-given purpose. Here are 16 key lessons I’ve learned along the way:

1. Embrace Change as Inevitable:

There's been countless moments in my journey where I sensed change on the horizon, and sure enough, it arrived. Every time, I've seen it not as a setback, but as an unmistakable sign of God working in my life and business. Embracing change, for me, has become about recognizing God’s presence in the ups and downs – the ebb and flow of leadership and entrepreneurship. It's about understanding that these shifts are opportunities He provides for growth, for learning, and for taking our ventures to the next level, all under His watchful eye.

Each time I’ve faced change, whether it was tweaking a business strategy, venturing into new markets, or altering leadership styles, it was accompanied by a period of discernment and prayer. Asking for God’s guidance in these times has been crucial. It’s led me to make decisions that not just benefit the business, but also align with the values I hold dear as a Christian woman in leadership. To me, embracing change is less about reacting to external circumstances, and more about responding to what I feel God is saying to my heart.

2. Stay True to Your 'Why':

When I think about the driving force behind my work here at Created Woman, it always circles back to the 'why' and clear vision- that deep, resonating purpose rooted in my faith and calling to “help women be ALL that God created them to be”. Whether it’s in the gatherings and Masterclasses we provide, the products we create, or the way I lead my team, this 'why' is my guiding star. It’s about more than just business success; it’s about how my actions, as an ambassador of Christ, reflect and embody the values I cherish as a Christian leader. Aligning my business goals with my mission to serve and glorify God has been a journey of constant learning and dedication.

I’ve learned that this 'why' needs to be at the heart of everything I do, especially when it comes to making big decisions. It's not just a guiding principle but the very foundation of my business. When I communicate this purpose to my team and our stakeholders, it creates a sense of shared vision that transcends profit. We're not just working together; we're building a legacy, impacting lives, and fulfilling a calling. Each new strategy, every shift in direction, every decision I make, is a testament to this commitment. It's a daily practice of ensuring that my professional path not only leads to success but also honors the values and faith that define who I am.

3. Flexibility is a Superpower:

One of the most invaluable traits we can possess in our business and leadership journey is flexibility. There have been times when I felt God nudging me to pivot, to take a path that wasn’t part of my original plan. In those moments, being flexible meant listening closely and having the courage to step into the unknown, trusting that this was part of His greater plan for my business and me. This kind of adaptability, while challenging, has been a powerful demonstration of my faith – an acknowledgment that sometimes, God's vision for our journey can lead us to unexpected but incredibly fruitful places.

Embracing flexibility as a spiritual discipline has been a transformative experience. It’s meant being constantly in conversation with God, seeking His wisdom and being open to change, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s taught me to lead with a humble and teachable spirit, to create a space where my team feels empowered to think creatively and speak openly. We’ve fostered a culture where we’re not just ready to adapt to change but are excited to see where it might lead us. This approach has not only strengthened our resilience as a business but has turned our work into a living testimony of our faith, showcasing how being flexible in our strategies can be an act of trust in God’s perfect timing and will.

4. Seek Opportunity in Challenges:

Every entrepreneur faces challenges, but I've learned to see them through a different lens. These moments are more than just hurdles in business; they are opportunities to deepen my faith and refine my character. When confronted with obstacles, instead of being overwhelmed, I’ve learned to ask, “What can this teach me?” It’s about embracing resilience, creativity, and most importantly, trusting in God’s plan. For me, each challenge is a chance to grow, not just as a leader but also in my spiritual journey, moving closer to my God-given potential.

In these times, prayer and reflection are my go-tos. They’re not just practices; they're lifelines that offer divine perspective and peace. This spiritual foundation is essential in guiding my business decisions, ensuring they're not only profitable but also purposeful and aligned with my values. Through prayer, I’ve found the strength to face these challenges head-on, transforming them into opportunities for growth and meaningful impact.

5. Listen to Feedback:

As a Christian leader, I've come to value the power of a listening heart. Feedback, whether from clients, colleagues, or mentors, is invaluable. It's not just about tweaking a service or product; it’s about building stronger relationships, understanding the community I serve, and growing in empathy. Integrating this feedback has made my business more responsive and in tune with people’s needs.

But more than that, listening reflects a heart of humility – a trait at the core of Christian leadership. It means embracing the wisdom in Proverbs 19:20, taking advice, and being open to learning. It's about growing not just in business but in grace. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to deepen my understanding and strengthen my walk with Christ.

6. Trust Your Intuition:

In my journey, I've learned to trust the nudge of intuition, which I believe often aligns with spiritual discernment. It’s about listening to that still, small voice guiding my decisions, which I've found often aligns with God’s whispers. This intuition isn’t about making impulsive decisions; it’s about balancing instinct with strategic thinking, creating a leadership style that’s as guided by faith as it is by logic.

Trusting my intuition means prayerfully considering my options, staying open to God’s guidance, and sometimes, taking paths less traveled. This trust has led me to make decisions that are not just smart in a business sense but also right for my spiritual path, ensuring my work reflects my faith.

7. Learning Never Stops:

My own path has shown me that the quest for excellence in both business and faith is an ongoing learning process. As the CEO for Created Woman, I’m constantly reminded of the importance of staying curious, eagerly seeking knowledge, and embracing new experiences. Each challenge I've faced, every success I’ve celebrated, and every stumble along the way has been a lesson in itself. These experiences are opportunities to learn – about the industry, about my faith, and, importantly, about myself. This commitment to lifelong learning doesn’t just sharpen my business skills; it deepens my spiritual understanding, helping me to lead with wisdom and grace.

This journey of continuous learning is really a journey of humility. It’s about admitting that I don’t have all the answers and recognizing that there's always room for growth. I find myself often turning to Scripture, seeking advice from mentors, and drawing on the expertise of industry leaders. Applying these insights to my business isn't just about achieving success; it's about nurturing my personal spiritual growth and ensuring that my professional path is in harmony with my walk with Christ.

8. Communicate Clearly:

In my role, I've learned that effective communication is more than a business skill; it’s a way to express the transparency, trust, and understanding that are so vital in Christian leadership. Making sure my team and CW Members grasp our vision, values, and goals is crucial. It's not only about ensuring everyone is on the same page; it's about demonstrating respect and integrity. When I communicate clearly and consistently, I’m not just boosting our efficiency; I’m cultivating a culture grounded in honesty and authenticity.

This means that especially during times of change or uncertainty, my communication has to be both clear and compassionate. It’s about more than relaying information; it’s about listening genuinely, understanding different perspectives, and nurturing an environment where open dialogue and mutual respect thrive. This approach doesn't just strengthen the foundation of my business; it reflects the Christian values at its core.

9. Resilience Over Perfection:

In a culture that often idolizes perfection, I’ve found a different kind of strength in resilience and vulnerability. This is about embracing the imperfect journey, learning from every misstep, and pushing forward, even when things get tough. My resilience stems from my faith – understanding that my strength is drawn from God and He uses each challenge to shape and mold me. In my business, this has meant taking risks, acknowledging mistakes, and consistently striving to move forward.

Embracing resilience also involves leaning on God’s grace, especially during setbacks. It’s recognizing that my identity and worth are not defined by my achievements, but are found in Christ. This outlook allows me to approach my business with a sense of calm and confidence, focusing on making progress and having a meaningful impact, rather than chasing after an unattainable standard of perfection.

10. Balance Vision with Realism:

Dreaming big and aiming high are part of my DNA as a Christian woman leader and entrepreneur. But over the years, I've learned the crucial lesson of balancing a God-sized vision with a healthy dose of realism. It's a blend of faith and practicality – believing in the extraordinary while staying grounded in reality. Setting goals that stretch you but are still within reach ensures that your aspirations are both inspiring and manageable. Walking this line of faith and informed decision-making can be a delicate dance, but it’s essential for sustainable growth.

Practicing realism means taking an honest look at what’s feasible, given the current market conditions and our own resources. It’s about planning strategically – aiming for the stars while building a ladder that’s firmly rooted on the ground. This balance prevents overstretching and keeps us and our teams energized and focused. As Christian leaders, we are called to be wise stewards, and this involves managing our ambitions with the understanding and the humility that comes from knowing our limits and potentials.

11. Keep an Eye on Trends:

In a world where business landscapes shift constantly, keeping an eye on trends is crucial. But as a Christian entrepreneur, I approach this task with a unique perspective. It's more than just staying relevant; it’s about stewardship and impact. Understanding current trends enables us to serve our communities better and keep our businesses adaptive and responsive. Yet, in embracing these trends, I always weigh them against our core Christian values and mission, ensuring that what we adopt is in alignment with our faith and purpose.

Engaging with trends doesn’t mean jumping on every bandwagon. It means being discerning, staying open to new ideas, and innovating in ways that resonate with our business ethos. This thoughtful approach to trends allows us to find opportunities that enhance our businesses while staying true to what makes them unique and reflective of our faith.

12. Build a Supportive Network:

Building a network has been more than just expanding business contacts; it’s been about creating a community of shared faith and vision. That’s where the CW Membership has been a game-changer. It’s not just a network; it's a sisterhood, a gathering of Christian women entrepreneurs and leaders who support and uplift each other. Here, we share more than just business tips; we share life, faith, and our journeys.

Being part of this community means you’re never alone on your entrepreneurial path. Whether it’s seeking advice, sharing your business experiences, or finding support, the CW Membership offers a space where our professional goals meet our spiritual lives. It's where lasting relationships are formed, challenges are shared, and successes are celebrated. It's more than networking – it's building a family in faith and business.

13. Measure and Reflect:

Reflecting on the growth of Created Woman goes beyond just the numbers and strategies; it's an introspective journey into how my work here aligns with my calling. Regularly taking stock of both achievements and setbacks isn’t just about business improvement; it’s a vital part of my spiritual and professional growth. It helps me understand the why behind what I do. This reflection, which often involves prayer, keeps my actions anchored in my values and purpose.

In these moments of reflection, I consider the broader impact of my business – how it affects the community and intertwines with my personal life. Are my efforts bringing me closer to my goals? Am I nurturing a balance that allows me to thrive both as a leader and a follower of Christ? It's about making sure that every step taken is one that leads me closer to a fulfilling journey, true to the vision God has placed in my heart.

14. Prioritize Self-Care:

Hustle culture isn’t healthy. I've learned that juggling leadership and personal responsibilities can be overwhelming, making self-care a non-negotiable practice. It's not about indulging; it’s about keeping myself fit – physically, mentally, and spiritually – to serve effectively. Integrating self-care into my routine, be it through moments of quiet reflection, staying active, or spending time with loved ones, is crucial. It keeps me grounded and ready to give my best in every aspect of my life and work.

Recognizing when to delegate and when to step back for a breather is part of wise leadership. It’s about understanding that rest and rejuvenation are as important as any business strategy. By caring for myself, I set a positive example for my team and ensure that I can lead with energy and compassion, keeping burnout at bay.

15. Celebrate Small Wins:

Every small victory on this entrepreneurial journey deserves recognition. These moments, no matter how minor they may seem, are milestones of progress and commitment. Celebrating them fosters a culture of appreciation and motivation within my team and within myself. It’s a reminder to cherish the journey as much as the destination. A simple word of thanks, sharing these successes, or taking a moment to reflect on their significance helps maintain a positive atmosphere.

These celebrations are also reminders of God’s presence in my journey. Each success, small as it may be, reflects His faithfulness and guidance. Recognizing and giving thanks for these accomplishments fosters a spirit of gratitude and helps build a positive, supportive work environment.

16. Remember, It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint:

Leading a business is a long-term commitment. It calls for patience, perseverance, and faith that the seeds planted today will bear fruit in due time. Rushing towards goals without a solid foundation can lead to frustration and burnout. I approach my work with the understanding that true impact takes time to build and that every step forward is significant.

In this journey, my faith in Christ is my anchor. Proverbs 16:9 says, 'In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.' This verse reminds me to trust in God’s timing, believing that He is intricately involved in every effort I make. It gives me the strength to keep moving forward, even when progress seems slow. Every small step I take is filled with learning and growth, and I trust that each one is a vital part of God’s greater plan for my life