Rachel Lupercio
In each of our lives we go through different seasons. During our “April season”, while we are going through our “shower”, we can sometimes get overwhelmed when it becomes too heavy for us.
Read MoreIn each of our lives we go through different seasons. During our “April season”, while we are going through our “shower”, we can sometimes get overwhelmed when it becomes too heavy for us.
Read MoreIn the swimming pool of life, when we see someone operating in a full measure of God’s grace, they appear to be floating past us on one of those cool rafts, with the little inflatable pillow. And a drink holder. And their hair looks good. Why do they get a raft?
Read MoreMartha Bush
Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away and come with me. For the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.
Read MoreLauren Clark
I so easily requested Grace for my own mishaps, but was not so easily able to extend it
Read MoreRachel Lupercio
How do couples get out of this cycle that seems to manifest itself so regularly?
Read MoreRaema Mauriello
I think that is why all of these get (rich, skinny, pretty, smart) quick scams are so popular...
Read MoreShanon Ensor
Social media gets a bad reputation (many times for good reason), but I’ll always be thankful that it's kept me in touch with friends from long ago...
Read MoreDeanna Brooks
Immediately, I got pretty emotional. Not only because I was seeing the display of love between a father and his daughter, but because this is the story of our lives!
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