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Valentine For One?

He loves me, he loves me not.  He loves me, he loves me not.  How many times have we pondered that thought  in our head over and over?  We wrestle with the thought trying to dismiss it until finally, the dreaded day comes….Valentines!  Ugh!  The answer we dreaded the most pierces our hearts as the 14th arrives and our prince charming has still not called.  To make matters worse we are forced to bare all the commercials and red and pink hearts at every turn that all seem to be screaming, ‘Where’s your date girl?”  Well, who said Valentines just had to be for couples or just about romantic love? When I was single, I found the best way to beat the Valentines blues was to hang out with my girlfriends.  And you know what?  I love my girlfriends!  They were and still are at times the best date I have all week!  Great girlfriends are the best Valentines gift a girl can ever have.  So, if this Valentines your find yourself repeating the phrase, “He loves me, he loves me not,” throw away that old flower and ditch the table for one.  Instead, make room at the table for as many as you want by planning a fun night out with the girls.  Here’s some great ways to feel the love on Valentines.

*Dancing!  Valentines is a great night to put on your favorite red dress and head out for a night of dancing with the girls.  The guys will all wonder, “Why doesn’t he love her?  She’s hot!”  Plus, dancing the night away with great friends is always a blast!

*Spa Day/Weekends is one of the best ways to say, “I love you!”  Pamper yourself with a great mani/pedi, Swedish massage or facial.  Heck, try all the above!  It’s better than a box of chocolates!  Girl spa days refresh the mind and heart!

*Fancy dinners aren’t just for couples.  Make reservations at one of your favorite restaurants for all your girls and enjoy!

*Plan a cozy night in watching chick-flicks.  Watching chick-flicks with the girls you don’t have to worry if they see you cry, laugh at cheesy jokes or be irritated with all of those never-ending sighs that always seem to come from a bored date.

So girls, get up and set a table for a lot more than one this Valentines.  You’re worth it!  Don’t let ridiculous advertisement with red hearts yell louder than you.  Shout back “I’m single, I’m sassy and I’m fun!”

Happy Valentines, girl!