Created Woman

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Designed to Live

 In retrospect, my friend was right; I should’ve bought the pillows.

 Like powerful, turquoise magnets, they pulled my eyes the moment we turned the

corner from kitchenware into home décor, and I couldn’t help but reach out and pick them up.

They were soft, warm, and gorgeous. I flipped, squeezed, and flipped again, taking in every

rustic detail.

 I can’t wait until I get married and have a cute little home to decorate, I sighed.  And then…I put them back.  There is something about not being married that makes me feel unqualified for a well decorated home, like I can’t justify spending money on pretty things just yet. I pick out colors and candles and pictures and think, "Someday I'll turn a house into a home...someday with someone I love." And then I settle back into my empty couch without the turquoise pillows and wait, as if everything now is temporary and my real life is just around the corner.

Ladies, to be honest, I'm tired of waiting.  I could blame it on my age. I thought I’d be married with kids by now! I could blame it on my job and all the ways it doesn’t fulfill me. I could even blame it on my friends and their busyness, their moving on and moving forward and my feeling left behind. But the truth is, I'm tired of waiting for my life to start because I’m not designed to wait for it at all. I’m designed to live it.

When God wired us together, He gave each of us purpose. A unique, important role to play in His story on this earth.  And He never intended for us to ignore it or hide it or impose some kind of limitation on it, as if we’re stuck in the mundane until we marry or have kids or whatever it is we think we need before we can embrace life. When Jesus declared that He came so that we might have life and have it to the full, He didn’t mean in 5 years or 10 years or when the wedding certificate is signed. He meant now. Today. In this moment, we have the power to live a full life.  But it’s up to us to live like we believe Him, to stop chasing someday and start living in the now. I’m ready. Will you join me? Together, let’s peel back the doubts that tell us we can’t or we shouldn’t or it’s not time and reveal the purpose buried in each of our hearts. Let’s agree to pursue God and to trust Jesus.  And let’s buy lots and lots of pillows.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and  have it to the full.”

John 10:10, NIV



Brittany is a 20something who loves frappuccinos, Texas, and salty air. She's passionate about the power and purpose of this generation and loves journeying with other 20-somethings on her blog, Faith in Between. She can also be found on Twitter (@britmwilliamson) and on Facebook (