Created Woman

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Prep Rally: Are You Making the Time?

It was the perfect Texas September evening, heat and humidity had dissipated and the sky was clear. I had attended a local worship night, where a group of women gathered on a back patio, sharing testimonies of overcoming and singing praises together. It was the end of the night when one of the prayer partners mention to me the word “preparation.”

Preparation is a word that I can appreciate as I am definitely a planner. Type A personality right here! What I have come to realize, though, is that planning and preparing are two different things. You can fill your calendar with events all day long, but are you prepared for when each day arrives or are you rushing out the door with no other choice but to wing it?

You notice an upcoming speaking engagement on your calendar for February 18th and you begin to ask yourself a few questions: Am I prepared? Am I ready to speak on what God has placed on my heart to share? Did I study? Did I take notes? Have I taken the time to sit still away from my busy schedule and really hear from God before that date on the calendar approaches?  

The same is true with the destiny and calling God has on our lives.

Along the seams of your calendar you jot down, “God has called me to be a wife and I plan on getting married one day.” What are you doing to prepare for that day? Are you keeping yourself pure till the wedding night? Are you praying for your future spouse? Are you making sure your finances are in order?

It’s easy to put something on the calendar. Are we prepared for when it happens?

Esther is an excellent example of what it looks like to be prepared. Over and over again in Esther, we read about the process of “preparations.” When Esther was brought to the palace, it reads, “And let beauty preparations be given them” (Esther 2:3 NKJV). The writer used the word “preparations” in the plural sense because there was not just one thing on the to-do list before going to the king. It was a process. It took 12 months of preparations – 6 months with oil and myrrh then another 6 months with perfumes. The Persian law of that time required 12 months of outward preparations for the women. If we outwardly prepare that much for events in our lives shouldn’t we also pay that much attention and preparation towards the spiritual? Instead, we find ourselves sitting on our hands waiting for God to just place things in them when we should be doing our part to PREPARE! Preparation is a process.

In verse 13 of the same chapter it reads, “Thus prepared, each young woman went to the king.” “Thus prepared” – the time came when they were ready. All the work prior – 12 months of preparations – brought them to this moment. It was time to see the king! It was a process but there is a completion of the process. Completion of the preparations! And when the preparations are done we get to see the great almighty King!

Your “plan” or God’s “plan” is the decision made for what we are going to do. Preparation is what we do to get ready for that plan. When you are preparing, make decisions that position yourself for the plan. Esther was positioned in the king’s palace to save her people. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, was positioned at the gate of the palace every day waiting to hear how Esther was doing in the palace. While at the gate, he overhears a conspiracy to kill the king. He was able to save the king by unraveling this conspiracy all because of where he was positioned! Mordecai wasn’t positioned in the most glamourous places. He was alongside strangers, the sick and beggars. But God used him because he was positioned and ready!

Where are you being positioned?

Mordecai was positioned at the gate to hear a conspiracy and save the king. Esther was positioned in the palace to save her people. It may seem like you are in a minuscule place. You look around and feel unnoticed. Or maybe you are like Esther taken from rags to riches. You feel out of place and out of your element. But maybe you are not out of place at all – maybe you are strategically positioned as part of the process.

The process and preparation can seem long and daunting. We can get impatient and bored. I encourage you to stay at your post and watch God’s favor and blessing come down. Esther had a year of preparations – 12 months – 365 days – just to see the king. During that time, she was given much favor! She was even awarded additional beauty preparations (now who couldn’t use some extra services at the spa!). Seven maidservants were at her beckon call and were given the best place to stay in the house. I don’t believe she was given this kind of favor just because of her looks. My bet is that she made the best out of her time, kept a good attitude, showed gratitude and made friends. Make the best out of your time while waiting. Learn the most you can and ask for guidance and wisdom from mentors in your life. If you want to be the best wife, then go ask questions from couples that have healthy marriages. If you want to be the best in your field of work, go to conferences and glean from the best in those fields.

Position yourself to be ready for when the date on the calendar approaches!




Style Speaks IV


Get Prepared!


Join the Party! Style Speaks IV is all about YOU! Spend the afternoon being pampered, empowered and shopping local pop-up shops and salons. #IamCreatedWoman

2.18.17 || 4:00pm - 7:00pm || Venue: 800 Congress || $35

1st hour, Beauty & Bubbles
2nd hour,Power & Purpose
3rd hour, Fashion & Philanthropy

Click HERE for tickets & more details