The 20 Something Diaries: Is This Real Life?
Recently, my husband and I moved from Jacksonville, Florida, back to my hometown of New Orleans. Ah, it feels so good to be back! It's been eight years since I've lived in New Orleans and a lot has changed. Yes, Hurricane Katrina ripped through in the time I was gone, but New Orleans is too good for just one event to define it. The city has grown. It has become a haven for young career builders, entrepreneurs, start up investors, and so on. With all of the buzz of the city, I've almost forgotten that this is still real life. It feels like an extended vacation. My family can come over at the drop of a hat, I have life long friends just fifteen minutes away, and buildings bring back nostalgic memories. So what's the point? Well, I guess the point is that I left eight years ago with no plans to return. I was running. Sound cliche? Well, maybe it is, but it's true. I needed to get away from the city that was defining who I was. My family life was broken, my heart was hard, and I wanted no part of what New Orleans had to offer me. Maybe getting older changes you. Perhaps aging brings forth the reality of problems, ones I caused, and ones I was a victim to, but I can't help but feel like God has restored my life. New Orleans was once a place of blocked out memories, a few good times with friends between road trips, but nothing that would leave me wanting more. This morning I am excited to be back in my city; despite the fact that I have yet to find a job, and there a boxes still cluttering the floor where I sit; I'm happy here.
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