Created Woman

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Editor's Note, October 2011

Life experiences, trials and joy lead us to be the woman we are today and sometimes that woman is exactly who we were created to be.  Our experiences mold us, inspire us; some teach us about priorities by showing us what things we should do today and which ones we should wait on.  With life pulling us in so many directions and opportunities, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle, loosing ourselves in the  routine of life, never stopping to smell the roses.  We miss the good things in life often because of our task at hand.  Lots of times, we miss the opportunity to help someone who needs exactly what we have by simply not lifting our heads from our blackberry.  But sometimes, as women, we band together shouting with one voice yelling, ‘Enough is enough.’  And when we do that, the world listens! Women around the world have yelled loudly for the cause of Breast Cancer and the results have been astounding.  The month of October is nationally known as Breast Cancer Awareness month and I can’t think of a better theme for Created Woman Blogazine for the month October.  As women, we are poised to be each other’s cheerleaders – not the enemy.  So as we look out into the first cool month of the year, I charge each of you to be the cheerleader in someone’s life that is facing, not just breast cancer, but any type of cancer that has tried to consume their life.

For the October issue of Created Woman, we will hear stories of triumph over trials as well as re-visit some heroines from last year and catch up with what they are doing today.  Their personal stories of conquest will inspire you to go beyond what you ever thought you could achieve.  Plus, just as fashion makes everything look better, we’ll show you ways fashion can actually help fight the cause.

As much as we enjoy sharing our life with you, hearing your stories are just as important to us.  Your comments and emails allow us to have a conversation with you, our friends.  Tell us what you’re thinking, share what inspires you, how you are becoming the woman you were created to be!

Thank you as always, for being a part of the Created Woman Blogazine, and enjoy becoming and being the woman you were created to be!


Created Woman

Fashion blog that highlights family health fun & purposeful living

October Calendar 


What Can You Do?

  1. First, if you are 40 or over, take some time to get a mammogram.  Do this for you and your family!
  2. Help to find a cure by supporting one of the below organizations.
  3. Spread the word - Be a voice.
  4. Become someone's cheerleader.

Ways to be a part of the cure:

Fashion Targets Breast Cancer

Stand Up to Cancer

Susan G. Komen

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