Created Woman

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This Little Light

I’ve worked for the same company, pretty much since I was 18 years old.  In February of 2013 I began my 11th position within the organization and this one involved cross-country relocation.  I was psyched to be working in this new capacity and begin a new adventure.  So, how did my transition go with my new job?  What’s that saying about the best-laid plans?  Oh yes, they go astray! “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”  Philippians 4:6  (New Living Translation)

I spent the first several weeks shadowing the person I was replacing – it was a chaotic experience to say the least.  Within 4 weeks of the position being turned over to me officially my boss left to begin his own new adventure within the company, six weeks after that his boss left, oh yea, and my mentor was MIA.  Panic set in.  I didn’t know what I was doing!  I had no one to show me the ropes or back me up in case I made a mistake, which was sure to happen.  Did I make the right choice in coming here?  Was I fabricating the voice of God when I heard this job was for me?  I’d be lying if I said that this new chapter hasn’t been rocky, but I’ve taken comfort in a scripture my Mother had me memorize as a child while vacationing in South Padre Island.

“Throw all your worry on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (International Standard Version)

My sister lives by the YOLO mantra (You Only Live Once).  I honestly had to Google it the first time I heard it.  Casting my cares upon him gives me peace and comfort and makes that mantra work for me too.  The best part is that people are able to see His light shine through me when I’m not constantly clouded by stress & self-doubt.

What’s causing your light to flicker?  Are you under so much pressure at work that you bring it home?  Is your personal life falling to pieces causing you to be unfocused at work?  No matter what the situation God can guide you through it.  Just ask.

Stoplight Prayer:  Father in Heaven, thank you for all you have given me; my family, my job, my friends.  Thank you for taking my pain and my worries and giving me peace so that I might live to show others how to serve you.