Created Woman

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Crafty Creations!

This past week I have gone into work with little to do. In that time I decided to search wedding blogs to get ideas for my own wedding. On my short lived search I came across my friend's wedding, which I have been completely obsessed with ever since. Everything looked so crafty and handmade. She was married outside, in her aunt's backyard, which I never would have guessed just by seeing the pictures. After looking through her pictures and talking to her a bit about the wedding, I was inspired. With that, I have a few ideas that are easy and can make your wedding look like a million bucks, without costing it :) 1. Rather than traditional flower centerpieces, think outside the box. Books, candles, lanterns, sporadic flower arrangements, these all make just as nice, less expensive, centerpiece ideas. 2. Check out these DIY vases. You can make these and fill them with water and float a votive on top, or place a votive or candle on the inside to illuminate the design. 3. Our venue is full of trees and we saw the idea in a wedding book to hang candles from the branches. I thought this was so romantic and it seemed easy enough. This link is to a chandelier type of hanging candle. I don't know that I necessarily have time to do this but it looks nice! 4. For my bridesmaids I have been racking my brain on what type of gift to get them. I still haven't chosen a gift but these adorable boxes are perfect for dolling up any gift. 5. Lastly, on the subject of bridesmaids, I found this a little too late for my own wedding, but hopefully someone out there can make use of them! These invitations are so precious and so much more personal when asking your wedding party to be a part of your special day.

I could go on forever with many more ideas but I think this is a good start! Good luck with your DIY projects and if you're looking for anything in particular just send me a comment. I'm sure I've found it somewhere!