Created Woman

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Embracing Our Purpose: Overcoming Fear and Finding Freedom in Faith

As the leader of this community of Christian women leaders, I’ve hidden too often behind the CW Logo, so much so that you’ve probably heard me say this before. Call it reverse pride, fear of failure, or my age not embracing the era of social media, and possibly all the above equalling a great recipe for STUCK.

It just feels sometimes a little weird to promote a ministry in a time when so many churches, ministries, and leaders have become insta-famous celebrities, and have lost sight of the true message ultimately, finding themselves either canceled or on the wrong side of the gospel.

It’s a real fear of mine, for sure! And, I’m going to guess since you are here pursuing God’s purpose for your life, the thought may have crossed your mind, too. 

In fact, I’ve heard some of your stories, and I know I’m not alone.

Trying to be the face of your company is a struggle for many of us while trying to navigate the to-do list, the email lists, the actual making of the product, meeting with clients, and now we must SHOW UP ONLINE? Aye Yai Yai

But let me try to reverse-engineer this for a minute...

What if that real concern that started as a desire to remain in right standing has turned into a sort of bondage that has held you back from pursuing your purpose? Or, even sharing the gospel?

The enemy is known to be the master manipulator, so wouldn’t it be a good idea to take our real concerns and even our integrity and manipulate them keeping us from making any moves at all?

I think it’s not just possible, but plausible.

So, how do we get unstuck?

In the month of February, I’ll be writing each week on CW’s second core principle, healing, and I want to encourage you to pray this daily Prayer:

“Lord, are there any lies I have believed that have kept me from stepping in and out into all that you have called me to be? Where has fear taken over my thoughts and held me captive?”

Walking through healing doesn’t always have to be from something traumatic. Healing can simply mean unraveling lies you have believed and finding the FREEDOM to walk out your God-Given dreams and vision with clarity, purpose, and courage in a way that brings glory to God.

Together, let’s walk out our healing and throw off any fear that has held us back so that we can
run with perseverance.

Come back next week as we continue on in this series of healing!

Xoxo, Heather